Seo Sinn


Mar luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig, tha sinn cleachdte ri bhith faicinn aithrisean mu stait na Gàidhlig ann an Alba. Ach, chan eil na h-aithrisean seo a bruidhinn air Gàidhlig a bhàin. Tha iad a’ bruidhinn mu ar deidhinn, mun dòigh beatha againn.  

Aig HISA, tha sinn air Pròiseact Riochdachaidh Ghàidhlig a chuir air bhog gus obair a dh’ionnsaigh a bhi nar comann dà-chànanach. Tha sinn a tuigsinn cho cudromach’ s a tha e cothroman a bhi againn Gàidhlig a chleachdadh mar pàirt de beatha làitheil aig an taigh, anns a’ choimhearsnachd agus aig an oilthigh. 

Ma ‘s e oileanach, neach-labhairt na Gàidhlig nach eil a’ sgrùdadh neo neach-ionnsachaidh a tha annad, tha sinn airson cluinntinn bhuat. Dè am pàirt aig a bheil Gàidhlig na do bheatha is aig an oilthigh? An còrdadh e riut barrachd cothroman a bhi agad Gàidhlig a chleachdadh aig an oilthigh? 
Cuir thugainn postaichean is bhideothan le bhith a’ cleachdadh an hashtag #SeoSinn air Instagram, Twitter neo Facebook, gus fios a leagail thugainn mu cho cudromach ‘s a tha Gàidhlig dhut. 

Seo an t-àm airson guthan Gàidhlig a neartachadh. 


Gaelic speakers are used to seeing reports on the state of Gaelic in Scotland. However, these reports do not exclusively talk about the language, they talk about the Gaelic community and the Gaelic way of life. 

At HISA, we have established the Gaelic Representation Project as a step towards becoming a fully bilingual organisation. We recognise the importance of opportunities to use Gaelic as part of daily life, at home, in the community and at university.

Whether you’re a student, a Gaelic speaker who isn’t studying, a fluent speaker or a learner, we would like to hear from you. What part does Gaelic play in your life and at university? Would you like to have more opportunities to use Gaelic through your studies?

Send us posts and videos by using the hashtag #SeoSinn on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook to let us know how important Gaelic is to you.

Now is the time to strengthen Gaelic voices.




Tha luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig air a bhith a cluinntinn aithrisean is droch-naidheachd mu staid na Gàidhlig fad bhliadhnaichean. Ach, tha na h-aithrisean seo a bruidhinn air barrachd na staid a’ chànan, tha iad a bruidhinn mur deighn’sa, mun dòigh-beatha againn.

Tha e cudromach gun tèid guthan Gàidhlig, guthan nan òigridh agus guthan an coimhearsnachd a’ chluinntinn agus a neartachadh.

Aig HISA, tha sinn air Pròiseact Riochdachaidh na Gàidhlig a chur a bhog gus oileanaich aig a bheil Gàidhlig is aig a bheil ùidh ann an Gàidhlig a riochdachadh.

Toir taic dhan phròiseact againn le bhith a' pòstadh leis an hashtag #SeoSinn mun eòlas a tha agad air Gàidhlig, far a bu thoil leat Gàidhlig a chleachdadh barrachd, agus le dè a bhiodh sòisealtas dà-chànanach a' ciallachadh dhut.

Tha Gàidhlig beò, is tha sinn an seo.


Gaelic speakers have been hearing reports about the state of Gaelic for years. But, these reports talk about more than just the language; they talk about us, about our way of life.

It is important that Gaelic voices, the voices of the young and of the community, are heard and strengthened.

At HISA, we have established the Gaelic Representation Project to represent Gaelic-speaking students and students who have an interest in Gaelic.

Support our project by posting with the hashtag #SeoSinn about your Gaelic experience, where you would like to use more Gaelic and what a bilingual society would mean to you.

Gaelic is alive, and we are here.


Le taic bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig // With support from Bòrd na


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Highlands & Islands Students' Association,
Centre for Health Sciences, Raigmore Hospital
Old Perth Road, Inverness