Voting Week

Morning Briefings

To make the election even more fun, and to help you reach out to students spread far and wide across,  and the UHI Regional Network, HISA is providing you with daily briefings that could help boost votes.

They last for no more than 30 minutes, starting no earlier than 08:30. Here’s how they work:


  • Turn up with Breakfast on your plate/bowl, a notepad and a pen.
  • While you’re fuelling yourself with your choice of stomach satisfying food, staff will:


  1. Inform you of how the previous day’s turnout, and give you their thoughts on what happened
  2. Give you guidance about how you could choose to focus your campaigning efforts in response to the previous day’s turnout
  3. Update you on any unforeseen matters that you need to be aware of


The purposes of the daily briefings are:

  • To help you be fuelled and energised for the day’s campaigning
  • To inform you on the previous day’s performance
  • To get you thinking about how you can maximise the number of students that vote for you
  • To help maintain a fun and respectful atmosphere
  • To build a sense of camaraderie between candidates and staff


All briefings will be held virtually on Teams

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Highlands & Islands Students' Association,
Centre for Health Sciences, Raigmore Hospital
Old Perth Road, Inverness