
At the time of the accident or incident please report it to the appropriate officials e.g. sports venue staff, event organisers etc. Please report the accident/incident to the Community Engagement Team as soon as possible ( )but within 24 hours by filling in this Incident Report and submitting it through email.

In the event of any serious accident or incident which involves the Emergency Services, or which could involve media attention, please follow this procedure:

  • Ensure the safety of yourself then the group.  
  • Call the Emergency Services if necessary and ensure before you call that you are able to explain exactly where you are. You will also need to give them your name, the number from which you are ringing and a brief summary of the incident including possible injuries and the number of injured.  Where possible treat any casualties if it is safe to do so. 
  • Contact the Activities Team as soon as possible!
  • Do not make any statement to the media other than “no comment”. DO NOT discuss any aspect of the incident with anyone who is not connected with the emergency services.  

It is the responsibility of the trip leader and vehicle driver to ensure that all participants are aware of the actions to take in the event of an emergency.

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Highlands & Islands Students' Association,
Centre for Health Sciences, Raigmore Hospital
Old Perth Road, Inverness